Universitat Rovira i Virgili


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The group works in 4 laboratories of 200 m2 total research space located at the Chemical Engeneering department of the URV, each specialised in infrastructure in a matrix-like organisation.

There is a dedicated chemical synthesis laboratory, a microbiology (class 2) and molecular biology lab, an analytical lab, and an electrochemistry laboratory.

Equipment include Thermal cycler PCR and DNA/PROTEIN electrophoresis equipment, potenciostates/galvanostats with impedance and coulometry modules, an electrochemical SPR, a BIACORE, a spectrofluorimeter with a Peltier module, a zeta-sizer and surface tension measurement apparatus.

The group has direct access to characterisation equipment such as AFM, SEM, TEM, DNA sequencer, NMR, MS, MALDI-ToF-MS.

  • Electrochemistry Lab

  • Microbiology and molecular biology Lab

  • Chemical synthesis Lab

  • Analytical lab