Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Shaira Jane Acosta

  • PhD Student

  • Bio: Shaira Jane Acosta is a PhD student in Nanoscience, Materials and Chemical Engineering programme and a Martí i Franquès MSCA-COFUND fellow. Her research focuses on developing molecular detection tools for tuberculosis. Shaira Jane received her BSc in Biology from Miriam College (Philippines) and her MSc in Microbiology (2020) from the University of the Philippines (UP) Diliman, where she was awarded with a Department of Science and Technology (DOST) scholarship. During her MSc studies, she did a short mobility research stay with the Interfibio Research Group (2019) during which she gained research interests in biosensing strategies. She then served as a Science Research Specialist II at the UP National Institutes of Health (2019-2022) prior to joining URV. 
  • Specialization: Microbiology/Molecular Biology, Biotechnology
  • Research areas: Biosensors, Molecular Diagnostics, Aptamers
   +34 977559715  