Scientific research transforms our understanding of the world and drives progress. Therefore Interfibio participates in several actions to communicate scientific knowledge and research findings, as well as in actions to awaken scientific curiosity to a range of audiences in a clear, accessible, and meaningful way.
Educational programmes
Interfibio collaborartes with Experimenta Challenge an inquiry-based science education programme based on the application of the scientific method to engage learners in solving every-day questions in order to increase citizens' level of scientific and technological literacy, as well as encourage scientific and technological careers among young people on the long term.
Interfibio membres offer science workshops to primary and secondary school students. Following the scientific method daily questions are ansewred through experimentation.
Interfibio members offer talks to high school students about biomass transformation to bioplastics by means of catalytic and biological methods. Also, plastic contamination of oceans is addressed.
Interfibio members participate yearly at the European Research Night Fair organized by the URV with a science workshop addressed to kids.
Members of Interfibio act as tutors for high school students' research projects, as well as the laboratory practices of vocational training students. Our staff monitors the research as well as the experimental part of the work.