Universitat Rovira i Virgili

XXIX Transfrontier Meeting on Sensors and Biosensors

About the activity

Since its inception in 1996, TMSB has been a vibrant platform for fostering collaboration and innovation in the fields of sensors and biosensors. Initially bringing together researchers from the Euroregion (France and Spain) thanks to the initiative of Professors Salvador Alegret, Jean-Louis Marty, and Maurice Comtat, the meeting has evolved into an annual event that connects scientists from across Europe and beyond.

With the goal of providing young researchers with the opportunity to showcase their work, this congress prioritizes PhD students, offering them a friendly and supportive environment to present, discuss, and refine their ideas.

Join us to discover the latest advancements, build valuable connections, and get inspired by the next generation of scientific leaders!


Thursday, September 18, 2025                   Friday, September 19, 2025

13:30-15:00: Welcome

15:00-16:30: Plenary lecture and first session of oral communications

16:30-17:15: Coffee break and poster session

17:15-18:45: Second session of oral communications

21:00: Dinner

09:00-10:30: Plenary lecture and third session of oral communications

10:30-11:15: Coffee break and poster session

11:15-12:45: Fourth session of oral communications

12:45-13:00: Closing session

13:00: Lunch

16:00-18:00 Social activity