Universitat Rovira i Virgili

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Sustronics National Meeting

From to

Madrid, Spain

As partners of the SUSTRONICS project, Interfibio will join the Spanish consortium member’s meeting which will be held in Madrid on September 18th to 19th, 2023. 

Sustronics main goal is to support renewal of European electronics industry towards circular economy, eco-design, bio-based materials, and material- and energy-efficient manufacturing processes. Thereby, Sustronics will re-design electronics products into circular, compostable and reusable products, and demonstrate that there are business opportunities in sustainable electronics.

Quantification of environmental impact, definition of business models, involvement of external stakeholders, and means to guarantee compatibility with policies and standards will guide the project implementation. The pilots will focus on healthcare, diagnostics, and industrial sectors, including topics such as medical and personal health devices, single-use and wearable diagnostics, sustainable lighting solutions and embedded electronics for automotive.

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