Universitat Rovira i Virgili

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Kick-off meeting Sustronics

Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Dr. Ciara O’Sullivan and Dr. Ioanis Katakis will be participating at the kick-off meeting of the EU Project SUSTRONICS held in Einhoven, the Netherlands. The main goal of this project, coordinated by Philips, is to support renewal of European electronics industry towards circular economy, eco-design,
bio-based materials, and material- and energy-efficient manufacturing processes. Thereby, Sustronics will re-design electronics products into circular, compostable and reusable products, and demonstrate that there are business opportunities in sustainable electronics.

Interfibio’s contribution to Sustronics is linked to the modification of an immunosensor for C-peptide to form a sandwich assay and will be transferred to a first-generation hybrid paper diagnostic-electronic platform where the electrode will be printed onto paper using sustainable electronics produced at Infineon. The possibility of printing the electronic connectors using biodegradable ink will be pursued in a second generation of sensors.


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