Universitat Rovira i Virgili

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International Conference on University teaching and Innovation

From to

Campus Cappont, Universitat de Lleida

Barbara Vastenavond will be participating with the team that presents the oral communication "Repte Experimenta a l'Aula: involucrant a tota la comunitat" at the International Conference on University teaching and Innovation.

The oral communication focuses on a gamified proposal that aims to awaken scientific vocations among young people through a collaborative project of the whole community. Secondary school students compete to be the best science communicators by setting up a scientific experiment with the help of their mentor, a scientist from the university, research center or company. The best show their experiments to the youngest students and the whole community at the Experimenta Fair, where the Experimenta Awards to the best scientific communicators are given.

The presentation will be given on Thursday June 6th in the context of the thematic of University, tranference of knowledge and social transformation.


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