Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Insightful Talk on nanorobots by Dr. Maria Guix

Today, our group had the pleasure of hosting Dr. Maria Guix, an esteemed researcher from the ChemInFlow Group at the University of Barcelona. She delivered a fascinating talk on "Design and Key Materials in Micro and Mesorobotics", sharing groundbreaking research at the intersection of synthetic and biological systems.

One of the highlights of her research is the development of bioinspired hybrid soft robots, which combine living and synthetic components to mimic natural adaptability and responsiveness. She presented a skeletal muscle-based swimming biobot featuring a 3D-printed serpentine spring skeleton. This design enables self-stimulation during muscle cell maturation, resulting in enhanced muscle force output.

At the ChemInFlow group she explores the challenges and opportunities in developing microrobots as drug delivery carriers. While microrobots offer immense potential for targeted drug delivery, issues like low drug loading efficiency and material degradability remain hurdles for clinical applications.

On the other hand, functional materials, though excellent at encapsulation, often lack the motility and targeting capabilities of microrobots. Dr. Guix's work seeks to bridge this gap by integrating innovative functional materials into magnetic robotic platforms, ushering in a new era of biomedical applications.


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