Mostrant de 1 a 10 de 12 notícies disponibles
Biotin/avidin-free sandwich aptamer-based lateral flow assay (ALFA) for the diagnosis of Trichomonas vaginalis
Crucial role of biosensors in the detection of helminth biomarkers in public health programmes
Sandwich enzyme-linked aptamer-based assay for the detection of Trichomonas vaginalis
Biorefinery design with combined deacetylation and microwave pretreatment for enhanced production of polyhydroxyalkanoates and efficient carbon utilization from lignocellulose
Immunoglobulins in COVID-19 pneumonia: from the acute phase to the recovery phase
Semiautomated Electrochemical Melting Curve Analysis Device for the Detection of an Osteoporosis Associated Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in Blood
Normalized Multipotential Redox Coding of DNA Bases for Determination of Total Nucleotide Composition
Screen-Printed Carbon Electrodes with Cationic Cyclodextrin Carbon Nanotubes and Ferrocenyl-Carnosine for Electrochemical Sensing of Hg(II)
Thermodynamic and voltammetric study on carnosine and ferrocenyl-carnosine
Generic Platform for the Multiplexed Targeted Electrochemical Detection of Osteoporosis-Associated Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Using Recombinase Polymerase Solid-Phase Primer Elongation and Ferrocene-Modified Nucleoside Triphosphates
Generic platform using isothermal solid-phase primer elongation for cost-effective, rapid electrochemical SNP genotyping from a fingerprick blood sample.